Healing the past by nurturing the future: perinatal screening & support for Aboriginal parents who have experienced complex trauma in their own childhoods
This study aims to develop culturally acceptable and feasible perinatal strategies to identify and enable healing and recovery of Aboriginal parents who have experienced complex childhood trauma themselves, to prevent intergenerational trauma.
The study is being led by Dr Catherine Chamberlain from La Trobe University, and supported locally by a large team of experienced Aboriginal researchers.
A collaborative agreement has been established between Nunkuwarrin Yunti, the study team, and several other Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations across Victoria and NT; and staff from Nunkuwarrin Yunti’s Women’s Children’s Family Health program are helping to co-design awareness, recognition, assessment and support strategies.
For more information click here
VOICE – Validating Outcomes by Including Consumer Experience
This project aims to develop a patient reported experience measure of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people accessing primary health care. Nunkuwarrin Yunti will be hosting focus groups to help develop an appropriate tool that can be used for us to gather valuable feedback from clients.
The study is part of a bigger research project known as CRE: STRIDE and is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and is administered by the University Centre for Rural Health, The University of Sydney.
For more information click here
Mayi Kuwayu: The National Study of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing
In Ngiyampaa language, ‘Mayi Kuwayu’ means to follow Aboriginal people over time. This national study aims to understand how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture links to health and wellbeing. Aboriginal researchers at the Australian National University have worked with communities to develop a survey that will provide information for community, services and policy makers about things that will improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing. The researchers will share the study findings so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities can use the results in a way that helps them. Use of the data collected during the study will be strictly controlled by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance committee.
Any Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person aged 16 years and older is invited to participate in the study. The survey can be completed on paper, online or over the phone, and will soon be available to complete in person at Nunkuwarrin Yunti.
For more information, click here.
Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program Evaluation 2018-19 to 2021-22
This evaluation is an extension of the Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Program Evaluation 2015-2016 to 2017-2018 that Nunkuwarrin Yunti was also involved in, which was funded by the Department of Health to reduce tobacco smoking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through a locally tailored population health approach. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent that best practice and evidence-based interventions are in place and are effectively implemented in the program, and to determine where program improvements can be made.
Nunkuwarrin Yunti staff and clients directly involved in TIS Program related activities are invited to participate in research interviews to discuss their experiences of the program and their perceptions of progress towards achievement of program outcomes.
Proposed completion date: December 2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sexual Health Surveillance Network (ATLAS)
The primary objective of the ATLAS project is to establish a national sentinel sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood borne virus (BBV) surveillance system among Aboriginal primary health care services for surveillance, monitoring and evaluation purposes.
The secondary objectives include:
- to develop a national agreed set of STI and BBV clinical indicators
- to monitor trends in STI and BBV testing, positivity, and clinical management as per clinical indicators over time;
- to monitor trends in STI and BBV knowledge, risk practices and health service access of young people in order to help shape future primary care interventions;
- to establish a network to enable planners and policy makers to determine where interventions are most needed and how well they are working;
- and to build the capacity of participating hubs and sites to use data for quality improvement processes
Nunkuwarrin Yunti has previous experience in STI/BBV research and recognizes the importance of best practice care to treat and prevent STI/BBV infections.
For more information on any of the above studies Nunkuwarrin Yunti is involved in, please contact the Accreditation and Research Officer on 08 8406 1600
Involvement in recently completed research projects
Nunkuwarrin Yunti has also been involved in the below listed projects that have recently come to completion:
- ASQ STEPS for Measuring Child Development
- Supporting Indigenous Primary Care Services to Reduce the Harms of Alcohol.