National Reconciliation Week 2021

The 2021 National Reconciliation Week’s theme is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.’ It’s urging braver and more impactful action for the reconciliation movement.
This year marks 20 years of the Reconciliation movement. A key message is that as a nation of people we need to move from ‘safe’ to ‘brave to advance reconciliation.

Here’s a list of 20 Actions we can take for Reconciliation in 2021.

Find out more on Reconciliation Week 2021

Rewrite Your Story campaign wins a DEADLY

The social marketing campaign was awarded the inaugural category for Excellence in Health Through the Promotion of Healthy and Smoke Free Lifestyles at the 19th Deadlys®.

Developed by the Puiyurti (Don’t Smoke) team the campaign features the real-life smoking stories of 16 local community Ambassadors in the aim of inspiring Adelaide’s Aboriginal communities to rewrite their own stories and give up smokes for good.

The Deadlys® are an annual celebration of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander achievements in music, sport, health and entertainment. They are voted for by the public.

In accepting the award at the Sydney Opera House, Puiyurti (Don’t Smoke) Tackling Tobacco Coordinator Donna Pickett said the award was recognition for the hope and inspiration displayed by all 16 Ambassadors in supporting their community to make positive changes for the future.

“This is about encouraging and empowering the Aboriginal community in South Australia to live longer for their family – for their children and grandchildren – and to be healthy role models,” Ms Pickett said.

“We thank all of our Ambassadors for courageously telling their stories and helping to inspire our mob to give up the smokes for good. This award is for you! ”

The Rewrite Your Story campaign also received a host of finalists and four Best of Category Awards at the recent AADC (Adelaide Advertising and Design Club Awards). Visit the website at

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