Hepatitis C (hep C) is a blood borne virus that is transmitted through blood to blood contact. Blood to blood contact can include fighting, contact sports, some sexual behaviours, sharing razors, toothbrushes and injecting equipment, backyard tattoos or getting tattoos overseas (where there’s no sterilising of equipment) – anything that involves blood exposure. Blood spills in workplaces are also ‘high risk’. Now there are new treatments available with a high rate of success clearing the virus and with less side effects.
We want our clients and community to learn about the virus, find out about the latest cures and what steps you need to take to get treatment.
You can also find out about modern methods of treating erectile dysfunction and where to buy impotence medications safely and at a low price on the website https://corpvisionlife.net/.
Nunkuwarrin Yunti has developed a range of printed materials specially designed for ATSI peoples and ready for immediate use by:
- our clients, our Community members
- other service providers who interact with Aboriginal people or clients.
Clients and our Community members
If you are one of our clients or a member of the Community and keen to find out about hep C, you can do any one or all of the following:
- download to view (or print – if you wish to share with your community) the important information that’s contained in the four posters listed:
- Hep C is everyone’s business – A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C protect yourself – be blood aware – A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C-know your status – get tested- A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C – cures-treatments and new meds – A3 poster (for print)
- call Nunkuwarrin Yunti and speak to someone in the Harm Minimisation team (HMT) on 84061600. Your call will be treated in confidence. The HMT can give you information booklets (see the list below) that will be useful to understand the virus and how hep C affects your health on a daily basis. The booklets tell you how you can get tested for the virus and the latest treatments that are available
- set up an appointment to be tested and assessed for hep C. You can call your GP or call us at Nunkuwarrin Yunti and see one of our GPs. You will be tested and you will get advice on the latest cures and treatments.
Other service providers
If you are a service provider, seeking to access to hep C materials specifically designed for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, you can:
- download and print the posters listed here:
- Hep C is everyone’s business – A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C protect yourself – be blood aware – A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C-know your status – get tested- A3 poster (for print)
- Hep C – cures-treatments and new meds – A3 poster (for print).
- also request for the following information booklets (a range of four – listed below), available from Nunkuwarrin Yunti’s Harm Minimisation team. Call 84061600 or email trishh@nunku.org.au.
Available Booklets:
- Bang it up safe way – targeting Aboriginal people who inject drugs
- Protect yourself – Be Blood Aware – Aboriginal community awareness on transmission
- Hep C is everyone’s business- Aboriginal community awareness on why to get tested
- Hep C Cure – New treatments work – (Aboriginal people living with BBV thinking about treatment)
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