Toby Dodd – Board Member

A Narungga, Ngarrindjeri and Kaurna man, currently employed as a Senior Business Engagement Officer for the Department for Education, with 18 years’ experience within Aboriginal Health, Marketing and Public Relations.

Previously worked as Team Manager at Nunkuwarrin Yunti within Corporate Services – BSSU.

Jeffrey Newchurch – Board Member

Mr Jeffrey Newchurch is a Narrunga Kaurna man and respected Elder. He was born and raised in Point Pearce and has been working closely with archaeologists, the museum and the state government on the Aboriginal repatriation program, which involves the reburial of Aboriginal remains after burial sites have been disturbed during excavations. Jeffrey expresses the importance of family and country to Aboriginal people and the cultural significance of life events such as funerals and how important it is to do it “our way”.

Debra Walker – Board Member

A very proud Ngarrindjeri Woman. Born and raised on Raukkan community.

Deb has been a Nunkuwarrin Yunti Board member for the past 2 years and enjoyed being part of a committed and creative group striving to ensure that Nunga community have access to culturally appropriate health services they need.

Deb has spent over 25 years working and being a strong advocate for better primary health care services for the northern Adelaide area.

She has been working as an Aboriginal Community Education Officer (ACEO) based at the Salisbury North R-7 Primary School over the last six years. She loves her role and enjoys the contact she has with local ATSI community and supporting all the Nunga students at the school.

Kenneth Tilbrook – Board Community Member

Ken Tilbrook was born in Barmera and  part of the Stolen Generation. He’s been closely involved with the Redress and  been part of the Royal Commission into Abuse in Government Care. His interests include Aboriginal men’s mental health and child survivors of abuse in care.  He’s a participating member of Nunkuwarrin Yunti’s men’s group.

Donna Robb – Secretary

Currently Senior Cultural and Diversity Consultant for Department of Premier and Cabinet, Manager Housing, CEO Aboriginal Sobriety Group, Community Educator for Nunkuwarrin Yunti and others.

Shane Mohor – Chairperson

Shane is the current CEO of the Aboriginal Health Council of SA Ltd (AHCSA), the peak body for the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health and Substance Misuse Services across South Australia. Shane has experience in Aboriginal health as a Registered Nurse and Senior Executive in Government, University and Non-Government Organisations spanning 30 years in South Australia and interstate.

Shane has a passion for the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health sector and is strongly committed to improving the health and well-being status of Aboriginal people. He is a strong supporter of collaborative research projects that are Aboriginal led, owned and driven to provide positive outcomes for the Aboriginal Community. He’s also strongly driven to advance employment for all Aboriginal people especially Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners.

Shane is the Chairperson for Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA Inc. and an inaugural Director for the Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network Board. Shane is also a Member of the Speech Pathology Australia, Aboriginal Committee, and AHCSA’s Member on the South Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation Network.

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