
Nunkuwarrin Yunti has two prodominant funders including the Southern Adelaide local health networks as well as the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the department of Health.

Southern Adelaide local health networks

  1. Population programs unit, Drug and Alcohol services South Australia

    Clean needle program – provision of mobile outreach clean needle program services at diverse geographical locations o people who inject drugs who are Aboriginal, homeless, or at risk of homelessness in inner city Adelaide

  2. COAD NPA Quit smoking Initiatives – Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia

    The tackling smoking service delivery services, activities and information designed to assist clients and staff of Nunkuwarrin Yunti and Aboriginal people in northern metropolitan area of Adelaide to quit smoking.

Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the department of Health

  1. Non- Government Organisation Treatment Grants program (NGOTGP)

    NGOTGP treatment grants key objectives are to improve drug and alcohol treatment services outcomes, increase the number of treatment placements available and fill geographic and target group gaps.

  2. Tackling Indigenous smoking

    To deliver Tackling smoking and Healthy lifestyle services, tailored to the needs of the regions communities, and ensure the effective delivery of a population health approach to tackle chronic disease risk factors.

  3. Closing the gap in Chronic Disease – Indigenous Outreach worker

    To reduce chronic disease morbidity and morality through investment in preventative social marketing activities, expansion of the Indigenous health sector and building the capacity for health care services to deliver effective services to manage disease for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.