Our Services

Read more about our client information, physical specialist services and our social and emotional management teams.

Nunkuwarrin Yunti Primary Care services provides a multi-disciplinary team based approach to ensuring all clients are able to access best practice primary health care.


Nunkuwarrin Yunti is committed to protecting the personal and health information of our client. Our Privacy brochure outlines how we will gather, handle and store your personal information in a manner consistent with the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012..


Nunkuwarrin Yunti provide specialist services, work with the Aboriginal community to tackle smoking, general clinic care to the community, options for pregnant Aboriginal women, and chronic care management.


The Social and Emotional Wellbeing program employs a multi-disciplinary approach to ensure holistic, all round care for clients, weaving together social health, mental health and community connectedness.