Disability Counselling

People with a disability who have been subjected to abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation can get counselling and support from Nunkuwarrin Yunti, under the Disability Royal Commission.

Do You Have a Disability? Are you a Carer or Family Member of Someone with a Disability?

If you have a disability, and have experienced violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation, Nunkuwarrin Yunti can provide counselling.

Carers and family members can also access counselling.

A disability can be:

  •  Visible or non-visible
  • Something a person was born with or something that happened
  • Temporary or Permanent

It might be:

  • Physical – affects a person’s mobility or ability to do things for themselves
  • Intellectual – affects a person’s abilities to learn
  •  Mental Illness – affects a person’s thinking processes
  • Sensory – affects a person’s ability to hear, see or touch
  • Neurological – affects the person’s brain or central nervous system
  • Learning disability
  •  Physical disfigurement or
  •  Immunological – the presence of disease in the body

Disability Royal Commission

Nunkuwarrin Yunti’s Disability Counselling service is funded by the Department of Social Services. The Disability Royal Commission was established in April 2019 in response to community concern about widespread reports of violence against, and the neglect, abuse, and exploitation of people with a disability.

The Disability Royal Commission is committed to:

  • better protecting people with a disability from experiencing violence, abuse, neglect, or exploitation
  • achieving best practice in reporting, investigating, and responding to violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability
  • promoting a more inclusive society that supports people with a disability to be independent and live free from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

A final report will be delivered to the Australian Government by 29 April 2022, making recommendations to improve laws, policies, structures, and practices to ensure a more inclusive and just society.

Making a Submission

Contacting us does not mean you have to make a submission to the Royal Commission.

If you or someone you know with a disability have experienced any form of violence, neglect, exploitation or abuse, then the Disability Royal Commission is there to hear about it.

We can refer you to services which will help you tell your story and make a submission to the Royal Commission, if you want it.  We can provide support throughout the process. Anybody can make a submission. A submission can be made in any way you feel comfortable – by telephone, email, video or through the website.

For more information:

Go to the Disability Royal Commission website

Or call: 1800 517 199

We can provide information and refer you to other services, such as advocacy, as well.

Disability Counselling Support

Counselling support will help you to yarn about your feelings and experiences in a safe, private, and culturally sensitive environment.
We offer counselling with our experienced Narrative Therapists at our Adelaide, Elizabeth Downs, and Christies Beach clinics. Phone counselling is also available.

To access this service, please call our Social Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health team, Paanthi, on (08) 8392 3500 and our friendly staff can assist you. Alternatively, you can download a referral form from the Nunkuwarrin Yunti website.


To be eligible to access counselling at Nunkuwarrin Yunti through the Disability Royal Commission, you must be:
• A person with a disability
• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, or
• A carer or family member of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person with a disability.

Interpreter services available.

Our service is FREE, culturally safe, and confidential.

If you do not have a disability, Nunkuwarrin Yunti’s Paanthi team has other counselling services available for your mental, social and emotional wellbeing.