The National Redress Scheme

Nunkuwarrin Yunti, through the National Redress Scheme, provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

Nunkuwarrin Yunti, through the National Redress Scheme, provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

The National Redress Scheme was recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Redress is support that acknowledges the harm done to people as children. It holds institutions accountable. The National Redress Scheme may provide three things to survivors:

  • Access to counselling and healing support.
  • Access to clinical services.
  • A direct personal response, such as an apology.
  • A monetary payment.

Nunkuwarrin Yunti has a dedicated Redress Support Service to provide you with free advice and help to complete an application for Redress. We encourage all survivors to access support as they undertake their Redress Journey. For a confidential discussion on how we may be able to assist you, call Nunkuwarrin Yunti  on (08) 8406-1600

What support can Nunkuwarrin Yunti provide?

Our dedicated Redress support workers provide confidential and culturally safe support and advocacy services to Aboriginal people who are thinking about applying for Redress. Call us on (08) 8406-1600.

You can also complete and forward this referral form to seek Social and Emotional Well being services from us.

Nunkuwarrin Yunti can provide a range of support before, after and during the application process

We can assist by:

  • having a yarn and providing you with more information about the National Redress Scheme and the different paths you can take.
  • helping you to access your records
  • supporting you to submit an application for Redress
  • linking you with other services such as legal support, counselling, social support or financial counselling

Who can apply?

You can apply to the National Redress Scheme if:

  • you experienced institutional child sexual abuse before 1 July 2018.
  • you are aged over 18 years
  • the institution responsible for the abuse has joined the scheme (an up to date list of institutions is available on the National Redress Website).

This includes Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person(s) removed from family under past government polices as a member of the Stolen Generations.

You can submit an application between 1st July 2018 and 30th June 2027.

If you wish to apply…

… And any of the following circumstances apply to you, being:

  • you are younger than 18 years
  • you have been convicted of a crime and sentenced to 5 or more years in prison
  • you are currently in prison
  • you have already received a payment in relation to the abuse
  • you have experienced abuse involving an institution that has not joined the scheme.

Please talk to a Nunkuwarrin Yunti Redress Support Worker by calling (08) 8406-1600

National Redress support referral pathways

There are a number of ways you can access support:

  • Self-refer by contacting Nunkuwarrin Yunti in person or by telephone.
  • External referral via another support service.
  • A family member, carer or community member could assist you.

Further information about the National Redress Scheme can be found at:

the National Redress Scheme Website   (

Phone: 1800 737 377 (Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm)